
Year 12 (Stage 2) SACE Results Release

Posted 25 October 2019
Senior School

Students completing SACE subjects this year should be able to access their results on the SACE website, via Students Online, from 8.30am on Tuesday, 17 December. The SACE Board announced this tentative date for the online release of results late last week. Printed certificates and other documents will arrive later via Australia Post to students’ addresses, as per their record on Students Online.

All students undertaking written examinations, including Year 11 students studying Stage 2 Biology, were emailed last week with the rules and expectations of the examinations. Students should also login to Students Online to confirm their enrolment and postal address. This should be done as soon as possible, and can be accessed here.

For more information, please access the SACE Board Results and Students Online page, available here.

If a student has any concerns about examinations, results release or other SACE related matters, such as Special Provisions, they must report to the Learning & Teaching Centre.

Students needing further assistance logging in to Schools Online can email the SACE Board at askSACE@sa.gov.au or call 8115 4712. This information can also be found on the SACE Board website here.