
The Saints Learning Experience

To provide an experience that is both engaging and challenging for each student, we work with boys to understand their abilities, motivations, attitudes and goals. Understanding these unique features enables our teachers to make the learning experience more interesting, dynamic and personal.

Our curriculum is liberal, broad and designed to meet the demands of a contemporary society. An innovative, engaging and positive approach to learning and teaching inspires enthusiasm and provides a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

Junior Curriculum

Junior Years students learn in stimulating classrooms in which boys and teachers are supported by modern technology. Learning is adapted for each stage of a child’s development, and literacy and numeracy are high priorities.

Senior Curriculum

We offer an outstanding academic program designed to bring out the best in every boy. The curriculum for each year level has been planned to offer a wide range of subjects to ensure our students are prepared for life beyond school.


Sports provides an excellent outlet and opportunity for students and helps to shape a boy’s character. We offer an extensive range of summer and winter sports and it forms an essential part of life at Saints.

Outdoor Education

Boys from Years 4 to 10 experience the thrill of adventure through a series of journeys in a wilderness environment. Courage, grit, passion and integrity are cultivated as each boy is immersed in our outdoor education program.

Visual and Performing Arts

Our School has a rich and strong tradition in musical studies and performing arts with a diverse offering that includes music (solo and ensemble), drama and visual arts. Specialist teachers and artist-in-residence programs help students to experiment and explore ways to express themselves.

Service Learning

Throughout their schooling, all Senior School students undertake community service and volunteer to help better society.