
Year 12 SACE results

Posted 19 December 2017
Senior School

St Peter’s College is delighted to share the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) results for our Year 12 cohort.

We had 102 students complete the SACE this year at St Peter’s College and, in summary:

  • 8 (8%) students gained an ATAR of 99 and above
  • 12 (12%) students gained an ATAR of 98 and above
  • 32 (32%) students gained an ATAR of 95 and above
  • 48 (47%) students gained an ATAR of 90 and above
  • 71 (70%) students gained an ATAR of 80 and above
  • 37 merits were achieved for outstanding achievement in a subject
  • the School’s median ATAR is 89.15

These results are excellent, and indicate both the underlying strength of the cohort and the way in which our students applied themselves to their studies. We are proud of all our students and congratulate them on their efforts this year. I would also like to acknowledge the dedication and expertise of the staff at St Peter’s College as well as the support that you as parents and guardians have given your sons throughout their final year.

We would like to particularly congratulate those students who achieved an outstanding ATAR and those that received a merit for a subject. We congratulate our three top achievers, all of whom received an ATAR of 99.85 – Christopher B (including four merits), Atacan E (with two merits) and Andrew Z (including four merits). Caleb B earned an ATAR of 99.8 (with two merits); two students received an ATAR of 99.75; Tristan H (with three merits) and Deon M (with three merits). Daniel B earned an ATAR of 99.3 (with two merits) and Casey V received 99.05. Congratulations to these boys on their incredible achievements.