
Schedule of fees for 2018

Posted 01 December 2017
Whole School

The Council of Governors, together with the School’s Senior Leadership Team, have now endorsed the 2018 budget and the 2018 schedule of annual fees.

The focus for the Council and the Senior Leadership Team is to ensure that the School uses its funds wisely and contains operational expenses to ensure all expenditure is focused on benefiting our boys. The School is in a strong financial position with healthy enrolments, and continued prudent financial management will ensure St Peter’s College remains one of the world’s leading schools for boys.

The Council has endorsed a tuition and boarding fee increase of 1.8% for 2018. This is in line with CPI and is the smallest increase in recent years. The slight increase is a balance between providing the best possible education for our boys and keeping increases to a minimum.

From 2018 the Council of Governors has elected to remove the 2.5% discount for fees paid in full by 28 February. While parents may still choose to pay the full year of fees in one instalment, the discount will no longer apply.

The 2018 schedule of annual fees and related forms are now available on the website.