
Pa rum pum pum pum!

Posted 08 December 2023
Junior School

The Early Years boys sounded out the message of Christmas at their concert on Tuesday 5 December. The first two songs they chose, Welcome and Sleeping Baby, reminded us that Christmas is ultimately a celebration of the birth of Jesus. A celebration of the love, hope, and joy that baby Jesus brought us.

The next song, The Little Drummer Boy, reflects on the act of giving. Despite having no physical gift the little drummer finds a way to share his sentiment of love and kindness by gifting Jesus his song. The Early Years boys have spent the term delving into the concept of giving and kindness, as an expression of respect and service, two of the Schools’ values. We fostered their sense of agency and deepened their understanding of social responsibility as they considered acts that could bring joy to their peers, teachers and school community. They explored the power of sharing their gratitude through card and gift making, acts of service like the collection of rubbish from the school grounds and the compelling act of offering care to one another – often through a gesture as universal as a hug or the simple yet invaluable question, ‘are you ok?’

That contagious chorus of pa rum pum pum, like a beating heart, sets the humble yet powerful tone of centering your Christmas around acts of kindness, love, and joy. The boys and staff in the Early Years wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.

Holly Baulderstone
Head of Early Years