
Mission Guild Update

Posted 22 March 2019
Whole School

Womad Social Enterprise Strategy
During Womad, St Peter’s College provided car parking as part of the School’s Social Enterprise Strategy. Mission Guild ran a drinks stall during this event to raise funds for charity. It also provided students with an opportunity for service learning.

Approximately 21 students helped us sell drinks, each working 2-hour shifts. This initiative raised $425. Whilst a conservative sum, the cumulative effect of these small initiatives add up. Thank you to each student who volunteered their time over the long weekend and also to Tim Browning for giving us the opportunity.

Community Day: Saturday 6 April
On Community Day look out for the Mission Guild coffee van and cake stall which will be located next to Oval House.

Junior School Pop-up Uniform Shop: Thursday 11 April
A Pop-up Uniform Shop will be open in the Junior School on Thursday 11 April from 2:30 to 4:15pm. This is a great opportunity to purchase used Junior School uniforms. Look out for the Mission Guild flags.

Mission Guild High Tea and Fashion Parade: Sunday 16 June
The annual Mission Guild High Tea and Fashion Parade will be held in Memorial Hall from 1:00 to 4:30pm on Sunday 16 June. Please save the date in your calendar for what promising to be a fabulous event.

St Peter’s College Mission Guild