
James Morrison performs at Saints

Posted 22 March 2019
Whole School

On Monday, renowned jazz musician James Morrison and his two sons visited Saints. The special two-hour visit was in honour of Philip Walsh, Director of Music who won the 2018 Band Directors Award at the Generations in Jazz last year.

Mr Walsh was awarded the prize as recognition for outstanding leadership in the field of jazz education. The prize also provided Saints students with a two-hour workshop and performance by James Morrison and his two sons.

James conducted a workshop with the Senior School Jazz ensemble followed by a Q&A and performance in the Junior School. James fielded questions from students and teachers about his long career as a jazz musician and gave some handy tips to the Junior School boys on the best ways to practice and improvise.

The Q&A was followed by a special performance with James’ two sons William and Harry on double bass and guitar.

This May, Saints will once again send bands to compete at the Generations of Jazz in Mt Gambier. To prepare for the competition, the following Saints ensembles and bands will be performing at a special concert at Memorial Hall on Tuesday 30 April at Memorial Hall:

Big Band
Stage Band
Jazz Band
Large Jazz Vocal Ensemble
Small Jazz Vocal Ensemble