
Invitation: rededication of the St Peter’s First World War memorial

Posted 05 April 2019
Whole School

In 2018 the St Peters Residents’ Association received a grant to fix the St Peter’s Heroes Memorial, located on St Peter’s Street. The memorial was originally erected in 1922 and was one of the few that did not feature the names of those who fell in the First World War. Through their research, 145 men from the local area were identified and their names will be added to the memorial. At least fifteen of these men attended St Peter’s College.

A rededication has been organised for Wednesday 24 April and any descendants and relatives are invited to attend, please see the invitation for full details. The names of the fallen can be accessed via the association’s webpage. For more information and to attend the rededication, please contact David Cree from the St Peter’s Residents’ Association on 0418 622 163 or spra@senet.com.au.