
From the Headmaster

Posted 27 October 2023

It was great to welcome all students back to campus for Term 4 as we commence a new era. The baton has been passed to the Class of 2024 and they now hold the mantle of this School’s reputation. I have every confidence that as leaders of our School they will look to the interests of others, act with humility and serve selflessly. In the Junior School our Year 5 students have been given the opportunity to demonstrate their suitability for School, House and Co-curricular leadership with their competency measured through the lens of truth, respect and service.  

I remind all students that you don’t need a badge to be a leader in any part of society; you should just go on being the leader you are and exercise the influence that is necessary at the time and place in your community. Year 11 students honoured with induction to an official position made a promise for their carriage and care of others by focusing on the pursuit of truth, righteousness, beauty, order and reverence. Most important is the need to focus on maintaining a balance of both strength and love in all interactions for that is the measure of masculinity within this community. 

Our five-chapter valedictory celebrations brought about many emotions. It was a privilege to share these intimate occasions with our Year 12 families through the story telling and honouring of our Class of 2023. There were special moments at each ceremony, but it was the inspired singing of the boys in their final Chapel Service and Communion that was a particularly beautiful moment. The singing of hymns with such precision and soul drew high praise from our School Organist Norm Inglis, who has been playing the Chapel organ for over 50 years. Never has Norm heard a full Chapel of boys sing as heartily and as well as they did last Thursday. 

In acknowledgement of the co-parenting partnership we have at SPSC I thank our Year 12 parents for trusting the School, for the sacrifices you have made and for your unwavering faith and belief in the capacity of our young men. 

Thank you to the Class of 2022 for your acknowledgement of the School in your celebrations and for the dignity in the way you have graduated. It has been the School’s job to give you a return on your effort and participation. There have been many things you have been compelled to do. Please remember that this is not the end, it is only the end of your beginning of your life journey to flourish in all its fullness. I have loved seeing your passion, I have loved seeing your pride and I am confident that you are graduating as assured, compassionate, capable and caring young men who are ready to flourish beyond the walls of St Peter’s College; just remember your best is yet to come. 

As part of the valedictory celebrations, it was an honour to present the Keys Award – the highest individual honour for achievement in co-curricular activities. To make the award it must be clear that the recipient, by his performance and attitude, acts as an inspiration to his peers and influences them positively. In 2023 I had the pleasure of presenting keys to Harry Bruce (Basketball), Jonathan Harris (Athletics), Bailey O’Neil (Soccer) and Harvey White (Basketball). 

Congratulations to Farr House on winning the Sir George Murray Shield for the first time in their 35 year history. Named in honour of old scholar and donor Sir George Murray, the competition recognises students’ abilities in sports, music and a range of activities that make inter-House rivalries strong and rewarding for all boys. 

I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate our outgoing School Captains Thomas Hamilton-Smith and Aidan Hua who have undertaken their responsibilities with enormous pride and dedication. Thomas and Aidan formed a remarkable team that supported and inspired our students across the School to strive for continued improvement in all their endeavours and to take pride in their community. Their inauguration of the Spectator Cup, an inter-House competition focused on an appreciation of peer pursuits, is a tremendous initiative and will serve as a great legacy of their tenure. 

Congratulations to our Robotics team of Vincent Truong, William Roger and Ryan Li who won the South Australian regional VEX VRC Robotics final.  The boys will now represent the state in the National final to be held in December. 

On World Teachers’ Day I extend a genuine and sincere thank you to our passionate team including teaching, administration and operations staff. Thank you for your personal care and attention and for the pride you share in this School. 

Have a great weekend and good luck to our athletes competing at the SA All Schools Athletics Championships across Saturday and Sunday.

Tim Browning