
From the Headmaster

Posted 24 November 2023

At St Peter’s College we recognise the Arts’ transformative impact on our students and continue to test and grow their creativity through art, music, drama and design. Across the week we acknowledged our students’ journey of experimentation and exploration at our annual Art exhibition and Technology showcase. It was a wonderful celebration of creativity, innovation, and expression that reflected our vibrant artistic community. In addition to the Art and Technology exhibition, guests enjoyed the musical talents of our Year 9 Strings before our Drama students brought to life two powerful, thought-provoking plays Us and Them and WolfBoy. Well done to the boys involved for accepting the challenge to reflect on the human condition and the opportunity to collaborate with your peers in presenting these poignant stories. 

Congratulations to our Year 4 students on their outstanding end of year concert. A key focus of our Band Program is to nurture a lifelong love and enjoyment of music in our students and this concert was a wonderful celebration of our young musicians’ learning.  

Tonight’s guests at the Cabaret Concert will be treated to an eclectic array of genres and sounds and on Monday evening all families are invited to the iconic St Peter’s Cathedral to hear our choirs sing as we anticipate the coming of Christmas with a traditional service of 9 Lessons and Carols  

Whilst the unforeseen weather has impacted some PE Week activities, Wednesday’s Summer House Sports Day once again exemplified the strong sense of community and camaraderie within our Houses. Centred around a celebration of physical activity, PE Week recognises the important role physical activity plays in developing attributes of physical competence, self confidence, physical fitness and a positive attitude.  

Last Thursday over 150 members of our community came together to celebrate philanthropy and volunteering at the Foundation’s annual Celebration of Giving. Thanks to the wonderful support of our community the culture of philanthropy continues to flourish at SPSC. This generosity will leave a legacy for current and future generations through the ongoing renewal of the School and increased scholarship opportunities for students who wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to attend St Peter’s College. 

Congratulations to the following students who performed exceptionally across a range of Australian Science competitions: ICAS Medal (Joint top score in the state) Year 10 students Lochie Siow and Joey Fitzgerald, ICAS High Distinction Award (top 1% in the nation) Year 8: Mateen Baba, Dan Nguyen, Caleb Scott, Daniel Song, Year 9: Daniel Latimer, Year 10: William Carrigan, Lochie Siow, Joey Fitzgerald; Junior Science Olympiad (top 10% in the nation) Carbon Li (Year 8), Tao Wong (Year 7), Harry Zhang (Year 9); Biology Olympiad (top 10% in the nation) Caspar Cai (Year 11), William Carrigan (Year 10), Alex Koh (Year 11), Maulik Singhal (Year 11); Chemistry Olympiad (top 10% in the nation) Year 11 students Caspar Cai and Alex Koh and Physics Olympiad (top 10% in the nation) Year 11 students Caspar Cai, Alex Koh and Lewis Gilbert.  

I look forward to celebrating and reflecting on the achievements of our students at events ranging from the Early Years Christmas Concert to the Years 7 to 11 Speech Day over the final two weeks of the academic year. I hope you can join me for these occasions as we celebrate all that has been accomplished in the past 12 months. 

Tim Browning