
Foundation Award: nominations now open

Posted 21 November 2019
Whole School

The St Peter’s College Foundation is calling for Foundation Award nominations.

Foundation Awards are awarded to those who have given meritorious and outstanding service to the St Peter’s College Foundation.

The contribution must be significant and beyond the ‘normal call of duty’, and may include:
• Leadership
• Involvement and commitment
• Significant financial support
• Gifts in kind
• Time given freely

The award is presented on merit (not necessarily annually) and may be presented posthumously.

Existing Foundation Members are eligible to nominate. Nominations must be received in writing (approximately 200 words) by Friday 31 January 2020 and signed by the proposer. It should include suitable detail to support the nomination.

Nominations should be sent to foundation@stpeters.sa.edu.au or post to:
Foundation Secretary
St Peter’s College Foundation
St Peters SA 5069

For more information please contact Beck Healy, Development Manager on 8404 0528.