
Congratulations to Generations in Jazz students

Posted 08 May 2018
Senior School

Congratulations to our students who all performed so well at Generations in Jazz over the weekend. Alongside Melbourne’s Caulfield Grammar, we were joint winners of the
Division 2 section one category of the National Stage Band Awards. Particular congratulations to Year 12 trombone student Robert Jones who was selected to play in the Division 2 superband. Philip Walsh, Director of Music, was awarded the most outstanding educator.

Sixty-six students and eight teachers attended Generations in Jazz which included the following five ensembles:

  • Big Band– competed and won in division 2.1
  • Stage Band – competed in Division 3
  • JazzBand – competed in Division 4
  • Contemporary and Jazz Vocal ensemble – competed in large vocal ensemble division 1
  • Small Jazz Vocal Ensemble – competed in division 1 and came 5th

Featured in the image of the 2018 Big Band 1: Henry Allen, Ben Ashman, Will Begg, Fred Butcher, Albert Chim, Aiden Donnevert, Josh Dunstan, Ben Hall, Robert Jones, Teja Nairn, Thomas Panayiaris, Noah Pitkin, David Quan, Alexander Rouss, Anthony Tran, Will Varga, Charlie Wells and Eton Williams