
Chathula Kiripitige (Year 10) finishes third in Chinese Bridge

Posted 27 September 2019
Senior School

After winning the first place at the 2019 “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for secondary school students in South Australia, Chathula Kiripitige (Year 10) represented South Australia participating in the Regional Finals and won third place.

His speech was “天下一家” (All under Heaven is One Family.) Chathula also had to respond to impromptu questions and developed his answers well. As the third-place winner, Chathula is eligible to participate in the International Competition in China as an observing contestant. He should be commended for his dedication, hard work and high level of competency in Chinese language that he demonstrated in both competitions. Congratulations Chathula!

Ms Fangfang Qiu
Coordinator of Chinese