
From the Captains: 7th annual Blue Week for Mental Health

Posted 11 August 2020
Whole School

Thank you to the entire Saints community for supporting our Blue Week fundraiser for Beyond Blue this week. It has been incredibly successful with the Junior School involved for the first time with the Year 5 and Year 6 BBQ and Wear it Blue Casual Clothes Day. Senior School boys began the week with Muffins with your Mentor on Monday, which was a chance for us all to break our busy schedules and catch up with our mates. Thank you to the Prefects and Blue Group members for running a session with our Middle Years students and also for leading a discussion on mental health within our weekly house meetings.

This weekend we are looking forward to all students wearing a blue armband in their sporting fixtures as a sign of solidarity towards supporting good mental health within our community. This week is based upon building healthy lifestyle habits and normalising conversations on a variety of topics related to mental health. Our guest speaker, Jed Altschwager, spoke to our Senior School at Muster on Wednesday, giving boys perspective on how they have the ability to frame their own mindset to overcome challenges. Jed also reinforced the Blue Group’s presentation which encouraged our boys to be courageous, to express themselves and take time to check in on their friends.

Blue Week concluded with the annual Wear it Blue Casual Clothes Day, Senior School Beyond Blue BBQ and Battle of the Bands. Thank you to all students and staff involved this week. Our hard work does not stop now and the Blue Group is gearing up to continue raising awareness and support for the student body for the remainder of 2020. The entire St Peter’s College community should be extremely proud of their donations to such a worthwhile cause such as Beyond Blue. Thank you. If you would like to make an additional donation, please contribute to the St Peter’s College team here.

Tim Prince
School Captain

Oliver Cobain
School Vice-Captain